Course Description

  • Understand the need for, and essential elements of, an Integrity Management Plan and its place within an Overall Pipeline Management System
  • Be able to relate the Integrity Management Program to the Maintenance Plan
  • Identify relevant pipeline integrity threats to your Pipeline system
  • Understand the importance of practical risk assessment including the concept of the safety Case
  • Improve your knowledge of pipeline material properties, facets of mechanical design and fracture mechanics, as they combine to effect fitness for purpose (remaining life) assessments
  • Benefit from learning through pipeline defect assessment worked examples
  • Understand common types of defects leading to pipeline failure
  • Assess failures due to corrosion, dents and gouges, welded joint defects
  • Understand requirements for in line inspection tool selection and performance
  • Appreciate the importance of defect detection and sizing
  • Develop a consistent strategy for determining corrosion and fatigue crack growth rates
  • Formulate an approach for Continuous improvement and record keeping
Who Should Attend

The course is intended for engineers,maintenance technicians and inspectors
responsible for the integrity, inspection,maintenance and repair of pipelines and piping systems. The fitness-for-service and integrity techniques are based on quantitative analysis, please bring a calculator.

Training Methodology

This interactive training workshop includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of total tuition hours:-

  • Lectures
  • Videos
  • Discussion of case histories and hands on calculations

While a generic approach will be followed specific reference to pertinent sections of
AS2885 will be made throughout


Course Outline





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